Veggie Pad Se Ew

Image source: TallTree
Broad Rice Noodles (1 cup)
Cauliflower, florets (1 cup) ‡
Broccoli, florets (1 cup) ‡
Carrots, sliced round (1/2 cup) ‡
Asparagus, cut diagonally (1/2 cup)
Dark Soy Sauce (2 tbsp)
Hoisin Sauce (2 tbsp) ‡
Coconut Oil (2 tbsp) ‡
Leeks, chopped (1 pc) ‡
Lemon (1 pc) ‡
Water (1/2 cup)
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
‡: available in Tall Tree Organic Subscription
Serves 2
Boil water and pour over the noodles in a shallow bowl. Let sit.
Heat 1 tbsp of the coconut oil in a large skillet adding the broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus and leeks and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add in the rice noodles and stir everything well together along with the remaining coconut oil, soy sauce and hoisin sauce. Add water if noodles are still tough, till desired consistency is reached and then add salt and pepper to taste.
Transfer to a serving dish, squeeze the lemon over it and enjoy!